Fertilis Terrae

Where people thrive and business ideas become reality.

Our Focus

At Fertilis Terrae, our focus is concentrated geographically on the Caribbean and Latin America and strategically placed on four unique program areas.

Argentum Oblinit

Silver Lining

Fertilis Terrae's, goal is to help our fellow human beings thrive. One way we aim to do this is by lessening the human suffering caused by situations of conflict and natural and anthropic disasters.

Fecundum Mentibus

Fertile Minds

At Fertilis Terrae, we believe that entrepreneurship is a vital tool in the fight against poverty, especially extreme poverty.

Fertilis Solis

Fertile Soils

Fertilis Terrae, is built on the belief that food is a basic need. Unfortunately, the most vulnerable among us find it challenging to acquire food for daily subsistence.

Fertilis Vitae

Fertile Lives

At Fertilis Terrae, we value every life. We also believe that each individual ought to have access to real opportunities to identify and fully exploit their potential for their personal benefit as well as that of their family and wider community.

As we build our staff and funding, we will publish our detailed plans for tackling each focus area. We hope to count you among our supporters.