About Us

About Us

Fertilis Terrae is a 501(C)(3), not for profit organization registered in the Commonwealth of Virginia. It is an apolitical organization, based on the Christian principals of charity and goodwill as exemplified by the life of Jesus Christ as documented in the Holy Bible. The organization, for the most part, operates under four broad programmatic areas as briefly described below:

Social Welfare - Our aim, under the aegis of the Fertilis Vitae program, is to provide assistance to women and children, including in utero, that seeks to prepare women to ably provide for themselves and their children, setting them firmly on the path to financial independence and prosperity.

Business Facilitation – Our aim, under the aegis of the Fecundum Mentibus program, focuses on communities and individuals with scarce to no resources. We provide assistance in converting innovative business ideas into sustainable, profitable enterprises.

Disaster Recovery – Under the aegis of the Argentum Oblinit program, we aim to provide solutions that, in the aftermath of conflict or declared national disaster, help to minimize the impact and duration of economic malaise on communities so affected.

Agri-business Modelling – Under the aegis of the Fertilis Solis program, we aim to demonstrate the efficacy of modern greenhouse, hydroponics and renewable energy technologies for use by small landholders. We use, where possible, local materials and expertise in making advances on these technologies and in minimizing operating costs.