Document Retention Policy

By law, we are required to keep some documents.This is how we do it. 

Document Retention Policy

Adopted January 02, 2018

Fertilis Terrae Inc., a Virginia non-stock, non-profit corporation (the “Company”), shall use its best efforts to retain records for the period of their immediate or current use and in accordance with this Record Retention and Document Destruction Policy (this “Policy”), unless longer retention is necessary for historical reference or to comply with contractual or legal requirements. Records and documents outlined in this Policy include paper, electronic files (including e-mail) and voicemail records regardless of where the document is stored, including network servers, desktop or laptop computers and handheld computers and other wireless devices with text messaging capabilities (collectively, “Documents”).

Personnel of the Company shall not knowingly destroy any Document in violation of this Policy or with the intent to obstruct or influence an investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department agency of the United States or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case.

Documents that have been retained beyond the period indicated in the chart below may be destroyed periodically, taking into consideration constraints on storage space and staff time.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if litigation is filed or government investigation is commenced against the Company, from the date such action is known to the Company, all destruction of Documents shall be suspended as promptly as is reasonable under the circumstances.

The Company’s retention requirements for Documents under this Policy shall be as follows:
